
What about a Chipotle burrito? You pay $10 for that and it only lasts a few minutes. How you gonna rationalize that purchase, pal!

I’m not going to presume anything. Do you always make your decisions based on small teaser articles written months before the game’s release?

That’s the dumbest explanation i’ve ever heard. Thats like saying “It’s not worth watching any movies, because we all know how every movie ends: The screen goes blank after a climactic cinematic”

You pay $20 to see a movie, and that only lasts 2 hours. So why get so bent out of shape if you buy a game and can only play for 6 months?

I guess, its technically wrong, but on the “morally wrong scale”, this guy stealing a lunch and releasing the name of a game, ranks about a 0.5


These are so good. More please

Thank you for making sense.

Isnt any WWII going to feature an entire army of german soldiers? So why wouldnt they censor the entire war itself? If the swastika - a symbol of the nazi party - is offensive to you in a video game, then surely you would be offended if that same video game showed actual nazi party members shooting at you and killing

No one is having any trouble with the distinction, no one has claimed this is treading on their right to free speech, they understand the different types of censorship. No one in their right mind would boycott Apple because they allowed the confederate flag in a historical strategy game depicting the civil war. This

What, you mean lines that ordinarily wouldnt be funny, arent immediately funny when said by a bear? Bears arent supposed to burp and say “cock”, and this bear is burping and saying cock. hilarious

This is why I like Crossfit. The womens competitions are as exciting, or more exciting, then the mens :)

He meant “every bit as good” as in “every bit as entertaining to watch”, he wasnt saying that they are as good at playing. But that point was missed on you. And even if he was saying that they are every bit as good, its not necessarily a false statement. The fact that men’s tennis players are faster and stronger than

It is inaccurate though, there is literally no connection between saying “Im not a racist” and being a racist. In fact, if you were not a racist, and someone asked you, the proper response would be “im not a racist”.

This is such a dumb comment. First off, calling out a 58 year old woman for giving a hacky interview is just hacky in itself. And this whole trope of “denying being racist means youre latently racist” is as cliche and trite as anything ive ever heard.

Thank you for making sense

Yeah, I can’t believe people are surprised that she puts forth a girl-next-door image, and then behind the scene’s she’s a shrewd business woman. Isn’t that her job?

Yeah, i love how people are giving her a hard time for putting out the good girl image and then being a cut throat business woman. Sorry, but should she be behaving like Trump? She’s trying to sell records to tweeners here.

People act like if you’re not glued to the screen every second, you’re a moron. Sheesh everytime Aria was on I would start playing with my phone anyway...

Yeah, I didnt see that scene with Davos. Must have missed it. Fortunately you and 47 other people have corrected me. I got more responses from this post than anything in my 3 years on gawker!! People are amazed