
I know we are supposed to hate absolutely everything about this guy....but this story is kind of fucking awesome.

Plot twist: The magazine articles worked, they turned him!

If the ISIS fighters had been born in Mexico, they’d be fighting for the drug cartels. Most of them care less about the ideology

Whoa. Thats a rough way to go through life!

I think thats sort of the point, and a jurys point, is that you have to make some assumptions. Mainly you have to assume “how much would a reasonable person suffer in this situation”. That’s how lawsuits operate, since you cant put an objective figure on suffering. And I think the answer in this case is not $15

Has that been shown to work? Over the years and years of punitive damages, people are still doing dumb shit.

Whether or not its a “drop in the bucket” to the entire school district isnt really the issue. The question is who would be better served that $15 million, Ahmed, or maybe the school children who need books, teachers who need salaries, etc?

F the taxpayers! Ahmed’s Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!!

If the schools budget is $372.6 million, then I would register $15 million as a huge fucking chunk on their pie chart.

I do understand it, and its still not worth $15 million. Honestly even $500K would be too much. He is fine.

Is that a serious question? I would be okay with someone reading almost anywhere at anytime.

Hahah I can so picture that happening. When I see people on the eliptical they are usually watching netflix on their ipad, not a drop of sweat on them. Meanwhile I spend 10 minutes on the stairmaster and I have to grip the sides so i dont fall off!

The elliptical is a great machine for people who people who dont like working out. It takes no energy, you dont break a sweat, and you dont get tired. Perfect!

It made no sense. Bad guys were exploding for no reason, guys going down without being shot, did you even watch the video?

They probably hired a consulting, graphic designer, third party marketing company. Comes in with a red cup “thats fucking genius, barry!”

The government has done just fine without it for the last 50 years, so i hardly think its worth billions to them

Imagine going through all that trouble building, only to film it on vertical video.

Im getting a little sick of this leah remini. Yeah we get it, you joined a kooky religion. Judging from your stories it wasnt even that kooky. You got out, get over it. No wonder they are following you around - you’re writing books about them

Tom Cruise sounds like my uncle. He cant find stuff thats right in front of him, gets frustrated, and curses loudly. Not exactly book-worthy

Ayy lmao