
Well that is goddamn amazing.

David that story is very close to mine, I had the chance to work for Tony at his school in the 1990s, I also had all my walls covered in Gwynn memorabilia and wore 19 as many of us did. I posted this originally over at the UTSD Forums in the tribute there, but thought many of you would love this story as well. Its

I feel like an idiot for having a Will Clark poster on my wall as a kid.

This was fantastic, and perhaps the least cynical thing I've read on Deadspin in a long time (damn you).

Should have been you, Will Clark.

No lie, David — best story about Tony Gwynn I've read over the past day and a half. Everyone seems to want to convey the same message to us; everything you think you believe about Tony Gwynn is true. I'm grateful to be able to see the man through your 16 year old eyes, and I'm glad Deadspin took the time to publish

I've managed to avoid reading the tributes because I was busy, but god damnit, I couldn't avoid this one. This was amazing, and it crushed me. Thank you. RIP Tony.

So, you're saying you like 12 year olds.

That was a thrilling game with some really bad football. I have to assume that Ghana, with their good individual technique and speed, are just a poorly coached team. Long ball after long ball and bad movement off the ball.

Fuck outta here, Euroboy.

I almost find it funny (odd) that Todd Kalas thought of Don Zimmer as a grandpa figure, not only because Todd's father Harry was only 6 or 7 years younger than Zim, but because a great deal of people here in the Delaware Valley considered Harry Kalas to be a grandfatherly figure, and we definitely took it hard when he

Those are some pretty unathletic girls, Montana.


Watch the GIF or video. Now you know what an eephus pitch is. You just learned something! The internet's great.

Do drivers just poo them selves when they have to go during a race?

Don't you get tired of looping around the same course over and over again?

Agreed. Samer needs to put more thrust behind his hips, and try it with a human instead of a mattress.

What an embarrassment. Didn't Sam even stop to think of how this would affect the straight, white bloggers of America?

Unless you're a gay youth — particularly if you're a gay youth of color — and this show will be a window, albeit a schmaltzy one, into the life of a man who gives you hope that you don't have to be constrained by homophobia either.