
Based on how he was raised, I'm surprised Hunter didn't slap the umpire back. His parents instilled the importance of an "i for an i".

Exactly. Who were the victims here? Why should I care? Who gives a f*** if a bunch of insufferable marathoners are salty that they shelled out hundreds of self-satisfaction dollars and these people didn't? This post made very little sense.

As a runner, this article bothers me. Who cares if these people ran rouge? Seeing as you don't have pictures of them with medals, are you SURE they took medals at all? I want you to find me a person that ran legitimately and didn't get a medal because they were out of them. I probably still won't care about this,

I'm struggling to find the outrage here. I really am. Isn't it most likely that they probably tried to pay and get in but weren't accepted? I assume there is a lottery for this. My outrage meter is about at a 1. And, I almost never, ever say this, but I think this post is not only over the top but kind of a dickish

By the way, gooks is a far worse slur than Redskin, given how it's still commonly used by bullies who commit hate crimes on Asian-Americans. The Asian equivalent of Redskin is "Yellow Peril." If you guys were really Asian or had a functional brain in your head, you'd probably know that.

The over-defensive reaction to Colbert's racist satire - yes, it was satire, and, yes, it was racist - is interesting.

Stephen Colbert can use "gook" or "chink" anytime because he's spent decades perfecting the fine art of satire and comedy. He almost never breaks character, famously refusing to do so even when in front of President Bush!

Maybe consider there's never an ironic way to use a racial slur.

I know y'all are trying to be funny and make a point with the title of the this blog post, but it seems a bit offensive to me. It's attempt at "let me show you how non-racist I am by making fun of racism by using racist terms" falls flat.


First, props for covering how stupid this issue is.

Make him run around the track a dozen or so times and he'll wind up being a collapsing star headed to 'Nova.

Atlas, Drugged

Figures. The Swiss team played strong in the neutral zone all night, but had to rely on a bank shot to pull it out in the end.

Huh. Maybe kickers ARE real football players after all.

"120 pounds," quoth the Ravens. "Nevermore."

I seriously cannot believe the number of people who think this was ok because she lied about other things. The reporter clearly has zero idea about trans issues. Absolute disrespect on so many levels.

Beyond the writer's apparent glee over outing this woman and then shrugging off her suicide, I am astounded that people are saying that it was "well written." It is not. It is a tone-deaf, self-important piece that is poorly structured with some overly dramatic foreshadowing sprinkled in. The writer gets disturbingly

Well-written, appreciated the well-rounded nuance. I think another sad aspect of this article is that the writer may have started his story partly because Dr. V was a woman. A highly intelligent outsider, and female, crashing the all-boys club of golf club design makes for a great story. Lots of sad irony in this