Make him run around the track a dozen or so times and he'll wind up being a collapsing star headed to 'Nova.
Make him run around the track a dozen or so times and he'll wind up being a collapsing star headed to 'Nova.
Atlas, Drugged
Figures. The Swiss team played strong in the neutral zone all night, but had to rely on a bank shot to pull it out in the end.
Huh. Maybe kickers ARE real football players after all.
"120 pounds," quoth the Ravens. "Nevermore."
I seriously cannot believe the number of people who think this was ok because she lied about other things. The reporter clearly has zero idea about trans issues. Absolute disrespect on so many levels.
Beyond the writer's apparent glee over outing this woman and then shrugging off her suicide, I am astounded that people are saying that it was "well written." It is not. It is a tone-deaf, self-important piece that is poorly structured with some overly dramatic foreshadowing sprinkled in. The writer gets disturbingly…
Well-written, appreciated the well-rounded nuance. I think another sad aspect of this article is that the writer may have started his story partly because Dr. V was a woman. A highly intelligent outsider, and female, crashing the all-boys club of golf club design makes for a great story. Lots of sad irony in this…
To the various commenters using the phrase "used to be a man" - it's completely inaccurate from a psychology/identity viewpoint, of highly dubious accuracy from a biological/neurological viewpoint, and it's a phrase that's considered really quite offensive by a lot of trans people and their allies (primarily for those…
Two important points:
I work in a facility that does reliability testing for engineering firms. For a while, we had a trans woman who came in periodically for testing. The way my co-workers and our other clients treated her and talked about her behind her back was heartbreaking. I stood up for her whenever their awfulness was within my…
This is so typical for someone in a place of priviledge and power to go and say "Oh, this person's reaction to my actions is not my responsibility. Maybe if she hadn't been so deceptive this wouldn't have happened. (because it seems clear the reporter sees being trans as being deceptive) "She was suicidal anyways,…
Best comment in the whole thread comes from you, because of course it does.
Ryan Anderson: [clicks on ""]
You know, between the rampant misogynoir and Gloria Steinem brand feminism (aka white feminism), I'm really beginning to understand Zora Neale Hurston's claim that black woman is the mule of the world. It's like we exist in the blind spots of feminism and black rights.
I'm not ging to give my opinion about this because I'm not black. Which serves as a reminder for everyone else to stop presuming to decide what Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, Cambodians, Peruvians and Australians find offensive or not.
Please comment on Jezebel more.