Maury I love you.
Maury I love you.
Favorite post of the day.
It's bullshit that she was even allowed to keep competing. After going over on her ankle, she should have lost.
In case anybody thought he didn't deserve horrible things done to him.
I heard that he's also not allowed into BBWAA's official AOL chat room. They take shit like this very seriously.
This is Deadspin. You go on gut instinct and let your joke out whether it makes sense or not. Basically it's open mic night 24/7.
Wow. The sky truly is the limit for this kid.
I thought it was great, and I'm Thomas Pynchon.
Why does that matter if the cause is just?
Excellent fucking article. Great job.
They used a "K" so the kid wouldn't accidentally end up at Harvard.
Decker is still behind the "E" and closer to the second "R" when he catches the ball.
I don't like that opinion. Do you have another one?
Well, I believe in Mr. Graves.
I think you are looking for We don't go in for serious commentary here.
Enough time has passed. He should just go by Jeff Stone knee Gillooly.
"Around" isn't the only thing he's not fucking.
Kid: [points to shorts] "I want those too!"
The kid also has down syndrome. Which makes this even more awesome.