
Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Orgasms Look Like

Please turn off your computer and walk into the ocean until you are taken away by crushing darkness.

Parent: Awwww, it's so cute and cuddly. Look at that thing. Do you want to go see it, Billy? Yes you do, lets go!


Actually it shows I typed that comment on an iPhone while I was on the shitter making something more impressive than any of your posts.

If you believe my comment was rational and sound than I've proven you wrong.

I agree with the fans—how dare the Braves sully a perfectly respectable Indian caricature with a message of tolerating minorities.

Rivers: "Nnnnhh, peppermint roll!"

Was she reading a catalog?

This isn't the first time something a Pitino was involved in came to a hilarious, premature end.

"What they get you for?"

I think I see what you’re saying but I have a few minor quibbles. Just to be clear, your issue isn’t with 2) how the author intended to say it, but with a) what the author intended to say, since that seems to be where you’re stating the technological problems are arising. While I certainly respect Hero’s opinion on

I mean, I understand the non-traditional humor subgenre of overtly self-aware caricaturisms, but in order to most effectively leverage the intended impact the reader needs to be able to understand two essential elements: (1) what the author intended to say, and (b) how the author intended to say it.

Fog Bowl more like FROG Bowl