Guantanamo is just another shitstain of the diarrhea the US sprays over the world.
Guantanamo is just another shitstain of the diarrhea the US sprays over the world.
I had a similar experience with Tomb Raider. I suppose spoiler alert would be ahead.
And I'm sure you'd feel the same if you spent 10 years there without a trial. Right?
Another possibility: nobody heard your fucking podcast.
I think it's time to beware.
There's a man with a bat over there. Telling us, we've got to beware.
Deadspin is great because people who get it don't explain it, and people who don't get it try to call out people.
LOL, you.
I love this comment. Spot on, bro.
+1, that's a great, great response.
I'd guess that the median Deadspin commenter is a 34-year-old white male with middle-to-high income but also above-average alcohol consumption. So we're taking about a remaining live expectancy of 47 years, give or take. My best guess is that you'll die in 2060, perhaps just a few days before Sasha Obama wins her…
Who is the hottest statistical model you've ever met? Did you ever have sex with her/him?
So what? China's been manufacturing gymnasts that can't bleed for decades.
What's the difference between that ball and Aaron Hernandez?
Goodell notes that the team name was originally meant to honor coach James "Lone Star" Dietz's Oglala Sioux heritage.
One of my favorite non-fiction pieces of Wallace's is "The View from Mrs. Thompson's," which is about seeing 9/11 on television from Bloomington, Il. The first third of the piece is about his futile effort to find a miniature American flag to put on his car's window.
David Foster Wallace's 2006 Times Magazine profile of Roger Federer is one of sports journalism's most famous…
Welcome to Tuesday Night Fights, a weekly celebration and analysis of street-fight videos found on YouTube.…