big sexy

Two words: George Soros.

He’s thinking...‘thank god I’m moving to California so I won’t have things thrown at me in the streets.’

Alternative take: Fuck Trump. Fuck the Pats. Fuck Boston. Fuck you. Fuck Atlanta and the Falcons, too. Fuck it all. Spring training starts soon. HERE WE GO, PHILS.

That loss is 100% on the coaching staff. After that insane catch by Julio Jones the ball was on NE’s 22 yard line. All they had to do was run the ball three times, and kick the field goal. Time gets chewed up, they get a 11 point lead, and they are the ones celebrating. Kyle Shanahan continues to prove that he is in

Bernie would’ve won.

I heard he was so emotionally spent he needed to taken off the court on a wheelchair with tears gushing

Me and Adrian Peterson would have been dynamic.

Those numbers aren’t great or anything, but if I were a Vikings fan I’d rather have Vick on a one year deal than trade a 1st and 4th for Sam Bradford. And that isn’t even a hindsight is 20/20 situation, that trade was stupid in real time.

No. Patrick left out the part about being 19 in 7th grade.

Tom don’t read this!

The NFL would get toughest with a kicker.

LeBron calling out Chuck, Le’Veon Bell released a diss track against Skip Bayless. Is 2017 the year that Athlete’s finally put professional Hot Take Artists in their place?


It’s been more than 16 months since Tom Brady first placed a “Make America Great Again” hat in his locker and kept

Duke vs Notre Dame is one of those Stalin/Hitler things huh

I CANNOT wait to watch his bitch ass get knocked out in the league

But enough about Trump....

Okay Deadspin, you got a man from one of the most hated teams in America put in jail for 46 months.

Here we go again, because this never gets old!