big sexy

*re-reads article*

“The coronation is over. The people of King’s Landing do not care about the Lannisters’ debts.”

So it’s got absolutely nothing to do with the 50 million dumbasses who voted for this piece of shit?

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

I think the better question is why do we keep on letting idiots into the federal government.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

I know you dumb fucks are upset that we see that you are dumb fucks, and we think that you are dumb fucks, and we call you dumb fucks, and we don’t agree to validate your ignorance and coddle your prejudice, and some people think we’re not supposed to call you dumb fucks “dumb fucks” anymore, but I’m old school. You

Does any reasonable person think that you’re going to shitpost from a government account and Trump is going to allow it to continue? Seems reasonable to me to ask them to stop posting on Twitter until further notice.

My favorite old time player who I never saw play but set as my Hall standard wasn’t a first ballot hall of famer. New player who was fantastic but doesn’t have the weight of history on his side isn’t possibly better than my favorite old time player who I never saw play but set as my Hall standard. Therefore fuck him.

Aaaaaaaaand, fuck Curt Schilling.

People hate the Warriors because Draymond is a dick kicking asshole and their bandwagon tech-bro fanbase is annoying.

He died at 73 which is like 120 in wrestler years....

10 yards is 360 inches

Ben Carson is a yawn made sentient.

For fucks sake, he doesn’t get a personal day without the team’s advance permission because most of his days are nothing but free time. I feel like the fear of giving an opinion that could be considered a HAWT TAEK has prevented many rational people from seeing obvious truths.

He probably should.

I guess it’s a good thing he’s a coddled star athlete who can’t be fired for job abandonment like the rest of us.

Well, with all the injuries he’s had, he’s certainly not running away from basketball.

“I just had to get to my family, and at no time between leaving my work location in the middle of the day, traveling to an airport, getting on an airplane, flying halfway across the country, or traveling to my family’s location upon arriving in a different city did I have a chance to notify by any method any of my