big sexy

Who the hell thinks this is funny or clever??

Honestly, you can have a pretty brutal show that (done well) people will still watch — it’s called Game of Thrones.

Big Bang Theory was also one of the highest rated shows. A lot of people have terrible taste.

What is The Walking Deadtrying to accomplish? Is the first half of season seven really going to just be set-up for… the second half of season seven?

One way or another, someone always ends up with a broke RGIII.

I’m not seeing that at all. I’m seeing an upside down Letter A.

And they remember where you put that peanut butter. You sicko...

That would be a “V” for, probably... “Vegas”

I became colorblind from listening to the Counting Crows’ “Colorblind” on repeat for one month straight and I find this blog offensive.

At the least; does she understand the gravity of my reaction of utter horror, screaming “BABY! I’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T MEET TO KICK YOU IT’S DARK AND YOU’RE A BLACK DOG AND I CAN’T SEE YOU ASLEEP ON THE FLOOR!” followed by ear scratches and bellyrubs?

Call me crazy but I’m thinking it’s going to end up with a wild card berth and a boring as fuck playoffs loss that leaves us questioning both Andy Reid’s coaching and Alex Smith’s competence.

Oh FFS burke

Is it bad that I still miss Robert Evans? Tomsula seems so forced.

“It is not enough for you to be out of my house. I insist you also be miserable.”

The guy had it made at ESPN. Cozy with Skipper. In charge of his own fiefdom.

Simmons’ essential problem is that he’s got a face made for radio and a voice made for the printed word. Good Lord is he awful on camera.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

Yes, yes a million times yes. I recall when Obama was elected and the Republican Party decided immediately to work hand in hand with the duly elected President, and never worked to block anything of his in the past eight years. Liberals need to get their heads in the game and learn a thing or three from Republicans.

They just gave up they know Trump’s environmental plan.