dude, whoever you are hanging out with needs to figure out how to take a shower
dude, whoever you are hanging out with needs to figure out how to take a shower
Unfortunately for amateur Snowqueen's Icedragon archeologists who wish to further examine the two literary masterpieces' similarities, all traces of the original MOTU ... have been scrubbed from the web
Ah, Milo - those were some wild days, I almost believed he would deliver!
Educate yourself bud, Arena Commander has been playable for a half year or so... Larger game is coming along nicely, they cut out stretch goals (against community wishes) and we are getting a couple patches a month - first episode of Squadron 42 will be out this year along with the beta for the FPS and social…
What we have access to now is 'Arena Commander' which is meant to be a training sim in game... Once the full game releases it will be very different than the dog fighting set up now
that would be so boring though
1 instance in the last decade is a pretty compelling pattern, Ill give you that... I also appreciate that I lack the 'wonder' skills to invent other instances that would cause them to be systematic cheaters, so I guess you can see further beyond the veil than me, congrats.
What are you, from Connecticut or something? Patriots are the best team in sports, not sure about all this cheating talk - the deflategate nonsense has been put to bed, and if your talking about 'Spygate'... what was that, 7 years ago?
When White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced the news on Wednesday in a press room, one journalist asked if "David After Dentist" had been unavailable. Sick burn, newsman.
Meh. I'm pretty sick of the
"small town person moves toNew Yorkto discover themselves"...
yeah, a tad frustrating as a Pats fan that people seem to think we were the only team doing it but its better to be feared than loved if you ask me
what? they shouldn't let them use the same balls, hence why they tested them and i would hope inflated them to the right pressure - if they didn't should prove how prevalent a practice this is that the refs overlook it. If they did, then the pats played better/the same with a regulation ball and its a non-issue
10/10 chance the Ravens also have their balls pumped/scuffed to their liking
it was a much closer game before the half though, once they had the balls tested at the start of the 3rd the pats put up 21 points in the quarter...
apparently some issues with code recognizing windows 9(x), (95, 98) so if they had windows 9 it would get all confused and Y2Kish...
This is exactly how I was told to do it 18 years ago by a Kansas City Chiefs scout. I tried it, but I didn't think it helped us. Bill Belichick was wrong because he videotaped signals after a memo was sent out to all teams saying not to do it. But what irritates me is hearing some reactions from players and coaches.
Start now and bring respect back to the NFL