Fine, you are obsessed with people that are obsessed by Brady.
Fine, you are obsessed with people that are obsessed by Brady.
This ^^
“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”
Agreed. It didn’t hang together. The actors gave it their all, but the writing was kind of weak. Better jokes were needed (although I did like Melissa McCarthy’s soup obsession).
Naysayers are frigging desperate to get an i-told-you-so out of this. Shave your neck and go outside.
This is a clown question bro. Game is not released yet.
I still hook up my psx on a regular basis for jet moto. My buddies all flock when I tell them im setting it up for the weekend!
Yes! Definitely one of the best things about booting the game up. It got you energized right from the start!
I can’t play any of these because Jet Moto 2: Championship Edition was simply too good.
The vehicle design reminds me of the PS1 game JetMoto. While I realize a good bit of that game was on land, there was some maps with water on it too :P
I’ve never heard of that game before. It’s like Jet Moto. That’s awesome!
I doubt it. The loss of that lawsuit is likely going to massively color the perceived value of the book. Then again that executive admitting they hired her as a token and fall girl might offset that some what.
Another failed attempt to exploit "sexism" for financial gain.
Among some people she has lost all credibility. It will be interesting to see what kind of sentiment people have toward the book and Pao’s experiences.
No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.
Im beginning to realize you are a beautiful troll.
I dunno, man. This article was published a little while ago, but it paints a scary and realistic picture of what a Hillary/Trump race would (will) look like:
As long as the Democrats quibble over issues and not VD, I’m fine with a prolonged fight. Now that we have a Trumpian on the GOP side, both Hillary and Bernie need to hone some skills.