doubtful - try developed for current gen and down scaled for last gen
doubtful - try developed for current gen and down scaled for last gen
9. Tebow?
Don't forget the licensing for the little animated one with Mario and Bowser, the Packers and Bears, Smurfs and so on...
I like that one a lot too, although I have no idea what it has to do with McDonalds
Deadspin had a write up on the commercial too - thought the story behind the 'God Protect the USA' part was pretty hilarious...
Eh, on the seafood scale its like a 4/10 in my book, most fish/shellfish is nicer when cooked properly. I never understood the lobster obsession here in new england other than you can catch right there *points to ocean*
that can't be a real quote
Geeze - you'd think in the past 8 years there would be a better argument against Belichick than spy-gate. Gotta take what you can get I guess.
ho ho ho, Ill see you after the revolution comes sucker
This seems pretty like positive stuff to me for the ole' economy, but maybe I'm reading the info on the link wrong?
pre-ordering is so 2014, pre-kickstarter campaigns are where its at
+1 article should be updated - Im sure the LAPD did some bad things last year but that was not one of them
very cool, doesn't look like i/others can add music to the list (bigolenate is my spotify name), but either way its awesome thanks mang
that sucks, I haven't been since I've been old enough to drink but I always remembered it being a pretty low key affair, poetry, fireworks, sculptures... Not quite sure who looks at that and thinks it would be a great time to get slam boned
Boston Herald – An organizer for a local group protesting the killings of unarmed black men by white police is rebuffing Mayor Martin J. Walsh's offer for a sit-down — arguing he should make the first move — and vowing to continue demonstrations in the Hub despite calls for calm in the wake of the assassination of two…
I used to go to first night all the time, it was pretty cool and very much not somewhere you will see drunken idiots
"please don't upset these young kids' night."
space metal you say?
Is there a way to start some kind of shared Spotify playlist of space jams? Anyone know how to do this? I would like to hear all these songs in the comments and more