
Ok guy. They can be chanting anything the want, “fuck da police, fuck Russia, death to America, etc.” I am just explaining what led to the protests.

FYI the protests in Russia are against Medvedev, not Putin after a recent corruption scandal which exposed Medvedev taking expensive villas as bribes, buying boats and wine yards using state funding.

So how much are they willing to pay the buyer to clean that mess up?

What happens if you get a boner?

Change gear, change gear, check mirror... murder a prostitute. Change gear, change gear, make salad. Change gear, change gear, murder. It’s a hard days work.

There are also these 3 guys.

Build thread is here,

Nope. VIN is attached to the body, not the frame. Legally it is still a 1985 Grand Marquis.

Yup, Australian FPV intake on top of Navigator block with Cobra heads. It’s got 2007 Crown Vic frame that gives it all the modern (as modern as you can get in a Panther) steering, suspension, brakes, etc.

It’s a Navigator block with Cobra heads and I had intake shipped from Australia.

Now playing

The amount of times Richard Hammond has died would definitely put him into the cyborg category.

Frame swap, engine swap, transmission swap, interior swap, wiring swap, paint swap, wheel swap, lightning swap. I’d say it totally transformed my car.

How about driver training technology instead?

His name is Tony. He is obviously an Italian mob boss and this was a mob hit.

Broken families - check.

I was thinking Nascar.

Lawyers and accountants probably will.

Shoddy 90's electronics and plastics galore are awful cars to wrench on!