
How DaimlerChrysler died.

USS Donald J Trump.

Looks like inspiration for Ford Tempo.

Now playing

This post should be read with this playing in the background.

I would be salty too if I drove a Chrysler.

Purring is the technical term, not clicking. That’s how you know the transmission will fail within 20000 miles.

Nope, pretty sure it makes that noise because it’s a Chrysler. It also does it when going forward or park. Sometimes with engine off.

Ludicrous speed is all I see while watching this video.

I thought they were beefer because they hold the air bags?

They still are lethal in many cars. This is just Volvo being Volvo.

Don’t buy a Crown Vic and then 7 more Crown Vics.

VW doesn’t either. Must be a German thing.

It’s a Volvo, it fixes itself as the time goes on.

Illegal because not split window bus.

Have to be smart when you shop. Obvious crap buckets are usually obvious.

VW bus lives matter.

I’ve been driving for 16 years, my most expensive car cost me $3500. In these 16 years I had to use tow truck once due to a breakdown. Keep the cars maintained and do the necessary repairs before part failure occurs and you won’t have any problems. Any used car will require some initial repairs which should be