This is one of the most idiotic articles ever posted on Jalopnik.
This is one of the most idiotic articles ever posted on Jalopnik.
I see that gas right now in Ottawa is about $1.36 a liter.
Give what is involved in finding, extracting, refining and shipping gas, it’s insanely cheap, which is part of our climate change problem.
Hell, MILK costs more than gas in Canada.
Niagara Falls for good or bad is what happens when a troupe of carnies says “The hell with traveling. We’re just making our own damn town.”
They’re trying to sell it for $28,500. Looks like they want to recoup the price of the car, the donation and make a few bucks.
Things only look great on Clifton Hill when you’re 6 years old. That end of town is designed to separate kids from their money, head south to the Casino for the Adult Version.
Just because millions of people agree over something, doesn’t mean it is right. Also, go fuck yourself.
I disagree. The issue has everything to do with the United States of America and the complacency it demonstrates when it comes to lopsided treatment of black Americans by certain police officers/departments. The flag and the anthem represent the United States of America, not the United States military. Every single…
Aww, did that cause your vagina to enflame again? You should try to control your enthusiasm and reread that I’m not arguing the basis of the protests, pussy, and realize there are occasionally counter arguments when you so feverishly state something that contradicts what the initiator of the whole shebang has openly…
Then why choose the National Anthem to protest? Why not player introductions, or the halftime marching band if it’s not about the flag or country? Not arguing the basis of the protests, just the method and contradicting messages like ‘it’s not about the flag or country itself’ ... because it is.
Why is nobody taking a knee over black on black murders?
Step 1.5: Make sure to sell it to someone you despise.
I think the thing I’m most irritated about is how FA has been morphed from a cool place to discuss defense and military equipment, strategy, and tactics, into what’s basically a political sounding board - of which the mothership-formerly-known-as-Gawker has many other places to post this rhetoric!
Do we seriously think Putin really believes Clinton had the wherewithal to directly incite mass protests against him? That woman couldn’t wip up emotions in high a schooler on prom night.
2007 gave us the film Blood Car.
“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”
That’s beautiful and will still be clattering down the road 20 years from now...
Based on what everyone else drives, she must be the highest paid person at Jalopnik if she can buy a 20k car.