The Church failed in not keeping him playing and just having him donate his entire salary to the church will also acting as a open advocate. He’s far more valuable to the church that way then going door to door until some white person shoots him out of fear and prejudice. Imagine how many 911 calls are going to…
Well said. That is a sorrow that if it happened to me I don’t know how I’d keep going. As a father it would destroy a part of me and I would never wish to have others judge me as I’m certain I would judge myself far worse already. There are certain lines that human decency should say are not to be crossed. I hope…
I guess the good people of Newfoundland aren’t allowed to see stunning goals as these videos are not available for me. I could just imagine it though. I would guess it was a crazy bicycle kick pass to another player who headed it to a third player who also bicycle kicked it in for a goal. As you can tell my…
I’ve never been to Tropicana Field. Is it really that bad of a ballpark? I know this is all about money via seating but just from a general perspective is it a terrible place to catch a game? As for the Madman Theory perhaps he should go the route of used car or warehouse furniture owners and threaten to blow…
Could you imagine how great the triple option could be with better athletes?
Not everyone who plays football even at the professional level show symptoms of CTE. We really don’t know how much CTE effects athletes as only a small number of brains have been tested and many if not all were from players or their families who strongly suspected CTE. I would love to see what the numbers would be if…
Don’t live in LA. This will blow some people’s minds but there are places, actual urban areas, where people treat each other slightly better. I love the West coast and spent decades in Portland OR and Vancouver BC and I get it. There can be a standoffishness and weirdness but not in the Keep Portland Weird sort of…
Isn’t there a saying, “We don’t hire intelligent people and tell them what to do. We hire intelligent people to tell us what to do.” Perhaps maybe spend more time in the hiring process and less time hands on? That or “Hold my beer. I know how to get tires to burn. Trust me.”
As a father I couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be to lose a child. My wife and I would never want our daughter to suffer but we both agree that one “burden” she should carry is living longer than us. The guilt he must carry is heartbreaking. However he deals with it I would never slight him. As for this…
Wisconsin is really the only team that is playing the game the right way. Hold it. Hold it. Pass it. Pass it. Hold it. Hold it. Pass it. Miss shot. If you can shorten the game by 30+ seconds each possession your opponent will be lulled into a sense that scoring doesn’t matter. Toss in an offensive rebound every so…
Looks like Crazy Jim’s Plane Emporium is about to have a super sale. They literally can’t find space for all of them. SOMETHING HAS TO GO! GO! GO!
To be fair he is stating they should be compensated and treated better. Just not enough to prevent them from being exploited. Without exploitation what are we left with? This country was built on exploitation and continues to function on exploitation. Why do some hate America so much to want to change it?
Thank God two white people can tell me how wrong I am to be offended and that I should just lighten up. I can’t wait to hear their thoughts on privilege.
Thank you for posting this. You rock! For what it’s worth I’m glad you are still around kicking it. Yay! <3
I’m pretty sure if I was a professional athlete I would be a prolific commentor online. I don’t see myself ever calling a show just because I’ve never even contemplated doing that in my life but online? Totally.
What if this league would have actually gotten “legitimate” (no rich person is legit) funding? I feel like they would have made it through their season and would have something to build from next year. They were poorly run from the get go but the ratings didn’t suggest there wasn’t a chance. Football without gimmicks…
He’s far from proven and very well could just be a mediocore QB for the Bears but it’s quite possible he does take another step and plays really well for them for years to come. He sure seems like he’s taking it seriously and he’s got loads of talent and quality coaching around him so I don’t see why the Bears might…
I like the name Boaty McBoatface. I face serious challenges every day of my life and I consider myself lucky as there are far more out there that face even more serious difficulties than I. My life is full of things that matter. What’s wrong with having something just silly that doesn’t matter? Good Sir please…
Has anyone asked Drake what he wants? Also, isn’t it more of where the league wants him to be rather than what Kawhi Leonard wants to go? I’m off to the Sobey’s for aluminum foil. I look forward to your responses if “they” don’t prevent me from returning.