
Counter point: It’s boxing. Boxing is less of a sport and more of a spectacle. There are times when it is a legitimate competition between two fighters and their camps that both really want to win. There are then other times when it’s a money grab or it’s a fight to add a win to a contenders win total. I don’t slight

Probably left.  The potholes in St. John’s will end any parade before it even starts.  Plus, have you seen how expensive and long the ferry ride is?

This article should have an *. Everyone knows the Raptors won because of a NBA conspiracy to promote the game North of the border. Every game is predetermined to provide the maximum benefit to each league.  Trust me.  The dog across the street has been telling me the truth for awhile now and it all makes sense.  Good

Do you know who should be the biggest advocate for legalization?

I don’t know what people are talking about. SF and Oakland are basically the same city. Kind of like how Milwaukee, Chicago, and Gary are the same city. It’s not like Rockford and Chicago which are distinctly different places. People want to keep separating us but we really are just one. Just like Vancouver BC and


What’s this junk that dignified couples don’t act all cute around each other?!? My wife and I love each other dearly and we have no issue saying cute shit to each other every opportunity we can regardless if we are alone or not. Real couples express it. Everyone else are in jaded, loveless relationships. That or

I blame myself for not pursuing medicine in the 90's while attending university in Madison. I could have climbed up the ranks and become a team doctor for GS and be able to advise him not to play. Sorry everyone. Hopefully my History and Anthropology degrees (to go along with a Criminal Justice certificate) will

No one tell Wendy’s!  Just think of how many jobs would be lost if they knew about cheaper labor.

One of the reasons I haven’t become a GM is that if I was fired I would totally just sit back and relax for however many years are left on my contract. This guy is getting paid till 2023. That’s like (looks at hand) like 5 fingers from now. I’m ok with somebody holding my beer but it’s not a gift. At some point I want

Alaska only encompasses parts of Canada. BC is included in Washington (note the number of Canadian license plates in Blaine, WA) while Newfoundland is a distortion of time/space and doesn’t really exist in this plane. Oh, and Toronto is more associated with a Moose’s sphincter rather than a country.

After consulting Jesus, Mary, and Joseph we’ve decided to punch ourselves in the face.”  (crowd cheers!)

Why is having an official watching a game “from above” so hard to pull off? The Officials on the field will have ear pieces in and can in real time speak to the official above and can instantaneously make decisions. No need to stop the game while they watch it on the field.  It’s 2019 everywhere except in NFL stadiums.

I’ve long believed that professional athletes and coaches need to have a deep confidence and belief in themselves to reach this level of competition. That self confidence sometimes leads players to make bad throws and coaches to take on players with the idea that they will reach them and keep them in check. Balancing

This one is pretty hard to accept. Are we just supposed to root for the good player over the evil ownership at all times? He didn’t retire because of catastrophic injury and the Lions told him to piss off. He retired and had to repay some of an advance he got for games that he voluntarily chose to not play in. Does he

Can you imagine how much tattooing will occur if the Raptors win the title? Perhaps caricatures of the entire team with him included?

I’m pretty sure it’s just Jesus pulling pranks. I’ve heard that he’s quite the handful at home. He calls his Dad Yahweh.  Like, “Sure thing Yahweh.  I’ll get right on that after I mess with these pilots.”

Maybe the Raiders tried to sign other OG and they all said no?  Maybe this guy is really the best they can do?  Honest question:  would you play for the Raiders?

Toronto Insufferables? Kidding. Kidding. Just some of you and you know who you are. Great joke that is sadly not a joke is how many Torontonians does it take to change a light bulb? One while the rest of Canada revolves around them.  They should have gone with the Hoops or the O’s just to add another O to the

Every FA guard still available probably feels pretty crappy right now.  Well, or maybe the Raiders reached out to multiple FA guards and offered longterm deals and they all turned the Raiders down?  Is he the best the Raiders can do?