
It’s pretty clear it all started in 1985 with Patrick Ewing going to the Knicks. The NBA Commissioner is who the Ginger Hammer wishes he could be.

Why after all these years haven’t they built a slide back down?!?

I was just telling my wife I don’t remember the last commercial I watched and after reading this I am once again reminded that I once actually saw commericials. Between streaming, recording, and not watching as much TV I have remained elusive to TV advertisers. In a way it’s kind of sad. In another, more accurate way,

I’m no fan of gatekeepers.  No one has it together so much to say they’ve figured it out.

Rest in peace Good Sir and Madam.  I know nothing about either of you but as I’ve aged and buried far too many friends and family hearing of others passing feels far more real.  Life sure does come at you quick.  Hug your loved ones or at least tell them you love them.  :(

And what happens when this tunneling company runs into some Mole People? What then Elon Odor? The only tunnel I need is one running away from my house. You know what I mean? This guy thinks he’s God. Next thing you know he’s going to build a ramp so we can drive to heaven. He just needs to locate it first but once he

On an unrelated topic, other than a winking face is there another emoji for “I’m kidding.”?

Thank you so much for sharing this.  It looks like you worked really hard.  Just for inclusion and diversity of opinions I’d love to hear a man’s opinion on this.

But it’s not completely beyond his control.  Play better.  You state yourself that a strong case could be made that the voters didn’t get it wrong.  I don’t have a dog in this fight so no strong feelings either way BUT the words we use do matter.  Saying he has no control over it is a bit much.  He actually has the

One short scene would solve everyone’s problems. Daenerys gets out of bed with Jon and stumbles upon Ghost and ends up kicking him. Jon could then raise an eyebrow. Anyone who kicks a canine is evil to their core. I guess they could also have a short scene where the Dornish prince and Yara could be commenting on how

To be fair we really don’t deserve anything.  Look around you.  Every single one of us are terrible people. 

As long as you don’t take anything seriously and don’t view it as a sport boxing is awesome! Sure there are times when the stars align, judges aren’t paid off, and both camps genuinely want to win which leads to a truly competitive event but there are plenty of other times where it’s just a spectacle and should be

By binary mind is unable to comprehend what you are putting down.  I said nothing yet now....everything is good?

Those players have already paid their dues.  Why must they suffer more?

Toronto everybody! 

As someone who’s lived in Canada for about 8 years now I can confidently say nothing good comes from Toronto.  That city and its residents are insufferable.  If any of their teams won a title it would be elevated to Bostonian levels of insufferabilness.  The world is better off with losing teams in Toronto.

I’m sure the owners will offer some strong reasons for the players to accept. Perhaps a 35% discount on any unsold concessions (except for alcohol) after games? Toss in one free ticket to any one home game (subject to team approval and availability) and I’m sure that will equal out to be a win for the players. The

That’s a very sweet response. I’d shake his hand too. As others have already stated the headline is a bit unnecessary. I’m no bible thumper and you won’t catch me in a church unless it’s for someone’s funeral, wedding, or baptism but the way to “combat” the evils of organized religion is not with “Fuck Church.” I

There’s like almost no love for Portland out there.  Have all of you lost the last shred of hope?  Have we been broken?  Count me as someone who thinks Lillard could play lights out and they can shock the world.  Crazier stuff has happened and it’s why they play the games.  Rip City in 6.  Book it.

That 4x400 finish is amazing!  Holy cow!  Good job.  I’m not even a fan of Track and Field and I was at the edge of my seat.  Well.  I sat down that way and never moved but still I didn’t feel the need to adjust until after the video was done.