I hope he gets better soon. I think he holds some terrible views that hurt others so by no means do I defend him completely but I do believe he truly wants to do good in this world. The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.
I hope he gets better soon. I think he holds some terrible views that hurt others so by no means do I defend him completely but I do believe he truly wants to do good in this world. The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.
This is a really great article because it changed my view on the topic. I was one of the people who, maybe not thought everyone was going to suffer CTE, but someone who felt like the evidence was showing a high preponderance. Thank you for explaining it because I really have left it with a better understanding of the…
This poll is biased towards teams that have names that start with letters at the beginning of the alphabet. I planned to spend the day voting for Wisconsin but after scrolling through the list once I gave up and decided to watch tv. When you say Wisconsin. You also say lazy.
That’s fair. I love Portland, OR and it’s super progressive but go south and you’ll see bumper stickers stating, “Kill an Owl. Save a Job.” Even in Portland there was a time where skin heads made inroads as it’s a very white city.
Rest in peace Buddy. I’ve seen my grave dug and ready to go and I was lucky to be pulled away from it. Life comes at you fast. I don’t know if there is a better place but if there is I hope you are there.
Sadly this is true. I grew up in a small town that was very racist but attended university in Madison which is a progressive bubble. In some ways I love Wisconsin but there are reasons I haven’t lived there in close to two decades.
Though I strongly disagree with some of his stances and beliefs I do think he’s someone who truly wishes to do good in the world. His faith is misplaced and causes such harm. The road to ruin is paved with good intentions. I hope he heals up.
I would so love having the Cavs beat the Lakers in the finals. The owner of the Cavs would have an erection so strong it would burst and he would bleed out. Broad brush strokes here but fans are crazy. I follow teams across many sports and it does make me happy when they win and disappointed when they lose but it ends…
As Marge taught Bart repetition is a great teacher. These guys watch a ton of film so it’s not surprising they would remember just as Bart and I remember this town is a part of us all.
I love football and I still follow it but why?
The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.
We have a winning formula we just need to put it into action. One, build the defense. Two, build the running game. Three, consider the forward pass sorcery. Four, play Bear’s Football! Five, plan on terrible winds and winter weather to break all visiting team’s spirits. Six, win the Super Bowl! I blame the…
Love of the game, scholarship is enough, be a team player, stand for the flag, rub some dirt on it and get out there, and in my day blah blah blah blah. These kids today are soft and covered in ribbons. Get off my lawn! Wait. Stay on my lawn. I like the company. My wife and kids don’t like me for some reason. I…
I don’t understand Good Sir. I made mistakes and was flawed. I admit to them and I grew as a person. I have now moved forward a better person who would never make those types of comments. I wasn’t born perfect and I never will be but I strive to be a good person and I do what I can to achieve that. All I am…
Being flawed and making mistakes happen. It’s why pencils have erasers. How you handle those flaws and mistakes when a light is shone upon them speaks far greater to the content of your character. Admit your flaws and mistakes, apologize for them, accept the ramifications and fall out, make amends if possible, grow…
I loved my Moss Starlet but I will readily admit it was slightly heavier than I would have preferred. It kept me protected through a ton of environments though from snow to heavy rains and never failed me. I did think it was a little snug for two friends but fine for two in a relationship. I’ve been away from…
I loved my Moss Starlet but I will readily admit it was slightly heavier than I would have preferred. It kept me…
I’ve got an ace up my sleeve. I’d just ride the bus and not worry about that traffic at all.
So I watched it while cooking dinner and I felt like if England would have just played better and scored more goals they would have totally won. Why didn’t they just score more? I used my calculator and it looks like they just needed two more goals. Two is like what? Two fingers? That doesn’t seem like much to…
Alpha males understand that your honor is more important than your job or getting beat up. That’s why I’m proudly an Omega male.
One hour? Once? Big deal. I’m constantly waiting outside people’s houses. Rain, snow, it don’t matter. Pro Tip: It’s best not to be on your phone at all but rather spend the entire time staring. That way you don’t miss anything.