
Overdrive is the greatest thing ever.

Overdrive is the greatest thing ever.

I feel the same way. This game was such an achievment in story telling and presentation, that I imagine the industry forever using this as an example. This was multimedia art at it’s finest, and emotionally exhausting in the best way.

I feel the same way. This game was such an achievment in story telling and presentation, that I imagine the industry

I will personally buy this game for anyone who hasn’t played it that wants it.

I will personally buy this game for anyone who hasn’t played it that wants it.

I wouldn’t if you have a metal slide. I have one of these it’s great for j’s and cigs, but not for pieces.

I wouldn’t if you have a metal slide. I have one of these it’s great for j’s and cigs, but not for pieces.

can confirm I am friend, can I light a bong with it

can confirm I am friend, can I light a bong with it

He doesn’t regret it though. Reread his statement. He regrets that it’s linked to the fire department.

Seriously. How can you suddenly express regret for what you said when you went out of your way to emphasize that you said it?

who among us hasn’t engaged in some light-to-heavy racism on a public scale?

Ending his Facebook post with “Yes I said it” not only showed how strong Smith’s convictions were, it also proved that he has to sound out everything he writes.

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

It went home...

It went home...

where is the disco toilet??

where is the disco toilet??

He’s currently undergoing a Schrödinger’s CATscan.

I’ve definitely heard the argument that “brakes are cheaper than a clutch”.

My mother has been a constant ‘Selectee’ since as long as I can remember. She is about as radical and scary as a cheese cake. So unless you know a lot of pension aged, service driven, God fearing, former school teachers named Mohammed stuff that racist shit back up your ass and choke on it. It ain’t funny ‘Bill’.

Ice cream is basically just sugar, milk, and eggs. How can that possibly be the *worst* thing a person can eat? Heck, you can even make it without eggs and without sugar (savory ice cream is a thing).

If it’s about quantity, then almost any food can be bad for you if you eat too much of it.

If it’s about the sugar,

Now playing

I used to think that this was the creepiest ice cream commercial, but it has been surpassed.

Maximum death, I guess? The list had black stars for unhealthy foods and green stars for healthy foods, all scaled from 1 to 5.

What in the hell is five black stars?