
no way this is awesome.

Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.

Let’s wait and see. “Working groups” are pretty common everywhere.

Taking your lead from telecom companies is probably a bad place to start.

HOWEVER, there is an exception to this. To whit, that the truck rolls into your cul de sac in the evenings with their jingle going...just a bit too slow. There is nothing creepier than a slightly too slow, slightly distorted ice cream jingle at nine in the evening. It’s so wrong.

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

He thinks health insurance is life insurance.

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

It’s all about Bran recognition.

First of all, lol at your many attempts to make sure the Sanders people don’t flame you. Good luck with that.

I Cersei what you did there.

You all are Tywin too hard.

Im not lion, I LOVE to wolf down these pun threads. Yall are really dragon this one out tho.

It makes a lot of Sansa, tho

Normally, I love a good pun, but on this occasion, I’m a bit hesitant to jump into the frey.


Perhaps they feel... ROBBed...?

Arya all comedians or what?

There snow doubt in my mind.

That’s a pretty stark correlation.