
So you’re saying all that stands between the Warriors and world domination is the Clippers’ bench?

Season 2 is the Real Samurai of Eastworld!

It’s even worse when you realize Barkley was dropping dimes in the snow lol. Matt freakin’ Barkley!

A lot of it’s the Durant signing. Took most of the sting out of it.

In other words, the 2007 New England Patriots!

He’s both. The alleged killer in a court of law. The actual killer in the court of life.

Uh huh. How much you wanna bet the Mr. Road Rage was raised by two parents and attends church regularly?

His name is Russell Wilson and he’s one of a kind!

They analyze film, discuss how to officiate better, etc., like officials in other professional sports.

Cubs win pennant

Ya but who knows what that stuff is laced with. PCP, HGH, TNT...

Wait... we’re not getting free pot on the marijuana commission???

Not to mention, the car driver actually had the nerve to flip him off!

F*ck Lew Wolff, Fremont, and San Jose. The A’s should be in Oakland and BART could be extended to service Howard Terminal. The real problem — which nobody in the media seems to be talking about — is the land is already zoned for a highly productive use: large-container shipping.

Hire this man!

Why can’t my dad forward me this instead of those awful Andy Borowitz links?

Hahaha touche!

all Pakistanis I have known are exceptional people

Not poster, mad lib.

Tangential aside: I actually got a Nigerian email claiming to be from James Comey.