
Man, these grey comments about workers not being able to handle the content of a game they signed on to make, way to miss the point. Exposure to material like this effects the human psyche negatively, blanket statement, end of story. Even if the extent of that damage is desensitization and is largely not at a

Well said. But I might be more appalled by the folks who plan to vote for him again. In 2016, I thought he’d be a terrible president, but I didn’t have any evidence. Now we do. Now we have proof he can’t do the job, that he’s dangerous now and dangerous going forward. And millions of people are getting ready to vote

yeah, no, you’re wrong. If you think the parent of that kid doesn’t know what a terror the child is being, then your head is crammed so far up your ass you can floss with your chest hair. 

an unfair advantage in that area which makes this person not even really fit the biological definition of female

I wonder how nervous he was that Omarosa would just show up and record a bunch of conversations but he wouldn’t be able to pick her out of the crowd. 

Even if Josh was being petty here, which he wasn’t, Steve Smith was literally the pettiest player ever so maybe stop throwing stones bro

“My ears figuratively started leaking brain juice attempting to fathom this”

We already knew it was a trump voter.

That is good. Cold, but good. 

“We needed a DE...”

How many wars has the US lost since WWII? Where are your white flag jokes about us?

I just left a hipster coffee shop.  It was PACKED with former Dallas Cowboys practice squad rejects talking about how shoe companies funnel money to players for NCAA recruiting efforts.

Yeah, based on my extrapolation of the current data (teens to 40s) I’ll drop to zero at about age 380.

I really enjoy the idea of anyone getting worked up over either guy’s catalogue. 

Truly amazing that Geno took “women get asked insulting questions at press conferences” and turned it into “women’s basketball coaches get asked insulting questions at press conferences’.

It’s going to be interesting to find out what happens over the coming year now that a flood ruined a whole lot of those grain piles.

How is this post 3 years old?

was shocked to see that the post wasn’t written by Dr. Oz

The fact that so many people seemed to be willing to let this fact slide is disturbing.

That’s THAC0, you meathead.