
Galaxy News Radio for me!

In 2017, I believe we call this sort of tone “presidential.”

A tuning fork on his forehead was never going to look cool in reality.

Nah, they advertised it as a viable full time job with inflated numbers, and suggested drivers go buy/lease new cars for their new full time job. They had to pay out money for this false advertising.

I’m rather annoyed by the news coverage. they seemed to be giving these racists the benefit of the doubt. Black people in trucks with confederate flags? as-fucking-if.

This is the silver lining in this awful story for me. I am completely amazed that Georgia pursued this case, used these laws to convict, and actually gave hefty sentences to these assholes.

six years on one count of violating Georgia’s street gang act

thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.

I don’t like him or his shtick. But then again I’m an adult.

This was back before original sin. Everyone knows that back in the garden of Eden, Eve doomed us all to die when she parted her lips and menstruated for the first time.

But not now, see. Just in the past that is totally undocumented but luckily what he believes is real.

“I really believe women’s bodies were functioning this way in years past.”

I’m surprised he’s not trying to have women come in and have their “menstrual nerve” adjusted every month for a fee.

I don’t want to get too graphic here, but, perhaps if we glued his asshole shut, he would stop spewing stupid shit, and, he might possibly get a clue about what that kind of back log would feel like, the damage it would do to internal systems, and what will happen when the dam breaks.

Well, chiropractor — nuff said!

So you don’t think it’s weird that there’s one minority? That the rest of the country isn’t represented there? Even if white people make up 60% of the country, that’s not what’s represented in that picture. Not that I’m surprised. Trump isn’t exactly an inclusive guy.

… isn’t he the only R in congress promising committee hearings into the Russian connections…

the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin

She did come pre-packaged from a far away place and got his name stamped on her, so sure.