
Its government sanctioned racial profiling. His only crime was being brown and having a “funny” last name.

Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

I disagree about the roman numerals. You can’t just abandon something you have done for 49 fucking years because you suddenly don’t like the look of a solitary “L”. That was some weak shit. Either use the roman numerals or don’t, but be consistent dammit.

Quimby: Also it has been brought to my attention that a number of you are stroking guns...

This is what happens when your only two categories are “violent Islamic extremist terrorist” and “perfectly swell white guy”

But wait— she divested, right? So it not even her stuff? Right? Because the Trumps took care of all of their conflicts of interest.


Delete this and any account you’ve ever had.

Keeping 63,000,000 rubes distracted and chanting “USA! USA!” while they get on with filleting the Constitution…

The 49ers became sold on his ability to recruit personnel after reading on his resume that he spent 15 years working as a headhunter.

yes, because there have already been arrests made

..much less nine / eleven.

Some of us are “some people”. Congrats on being privileged and rich enough not to have to give any fucks about society, though. That must be sweet.

Nah, if they’d listened to the science, they wouldn’t have had an earthquake. They listened to the earthquake.

Because C.Diff is a thing.

Nope, common misconception. The most common type of hand sanitizer doesn’t contain antimicrobials. It just dries out the germs with alcohol, which is not a thing they can develop resistance to.

I can't get the video to work, and I don't know these guys by their names. Will someone tell me what color they are so I can form my opinion?

A side question: At what point did “Support the Troops” morph into “Worship the Military?”

The IT Crowd: Series 5

I was hoping Deadspin might take a crack at it.