
Gotta save money, gotta cut taxes. Isn’t that the most important thing in the world?

He’s from Overland Park. It’s a weird city and full of kU fans.

Zip drive?!?! ZIP DRIVE?!?!?!

A few interesting familial ties in the rosters... Ed and Shawn Hochuli are father and son, Gene and Tony Steratore are brothers, and the worst crew members in the league are Triplette’s.

The last pass of day by a quarterback not named Taylor or Jones was intercepted by a player wearing a jersey with the absolute value of -50.

You win for the Dark Sun reference.

Hopefully he builds a wall to keep all those halflings out of Faerûn.

Yup. Raises don’t really exist anymore. Nobody should blink at the prospect of jumping to another company for a pay raise. You owe them no loyalty, for they certainly do not give a shit about you.

Forget it, he’s rolling.

I think what you mean is, you miss the days when you would say that and no one would call you an asshole for it.

Maybe his post has been on hold all this time.

Given the fact that William Gibson’s second cyberpunk trilogy was in no small part about LITERALLY GOD DAMN THIS, I believe you just failed Cyberpunk 101, son.

TIL I’m obviously not a power user of the web browser. These seem like such niche features.

Lindsay Graham, though ever the belle of the ball, is an extremely dangerous radical and I hope this latest junket doesn’t convince people otherwise.

Death penalty for killing an animal seems entirely reasonable. Great comment.

The beautifully simplistic thing about this reaction — and it’s common everywhere and has equally little merit in just as many places — is that it assumes someone who sees Donald Trump as a poor answer to anything must also think Barack Obama is unassailable. I can assure you that isn’t the case with me; I didn’t vote

Now THAT would be crazy...

I’m married and there are a few women in my life who I find attractive and charming, and when they interact positively with me (laughing at a joke, having a meaningful chat, etc.) I tend to feel pretty good about it, and I’d consider that the kind of crush that the writer is talking about. None of those women will

Would you douse a filet mignon with salt?