
Seemed like more to the side of them. They were marching east and they came up from the south.

Heh, sucker.

Michael McKean had the tweet of the night:

Close the thread. Can't top this.

My dog still wants steak though.

All those AOL CDs I got in the mail must be worth a fortune then.

Isn't Reddit just a compartmentalized Is fark still a thing? God I'm old.

Mo' Country Mo' Problems

I agree and think the other dream that is never really talked about all that much alludes to this. His father gave him something that he lost.

It's straight out of the book.

And he is wrong in that argument for the reasons I stated. Anton has nothing to do with it.

Sigh, don't create strawman arguments of what I "think" and then knock it down. He stated categorically that the only methodology that can be used to analyze this in any meaningful way is a marginal cost per soldier and any other use of the data is incorrect. I dispute that. It can tell us an important story about

That isn't what he is saying at all, but thanks for jumping in.

To you maybe, but that's because you only want to look at it one way, which is your prerogative, but don't act like it is exclusively valid. No one said it was 'scientific thinking.' Not everything is quantitative.

That is simply not true. You just refuse to consider it as valid way of viewing data because you only see things from a particular perspective. From this information you can draw the conclusion that paying for a particular policy has a lower overall cost than implementing a different policy. You may discount that

They are meaningful if you take off the marginal utility blinders and look at it from a public policy perspective of total comparative cost for something society deems important. You can make the argument that its not important or that the total cost outweighs importance, but just flatly stating that you can't even

That is one way to look at it, but not the only way. There are ancillary benefits and social benefits that can occur from some policies beyond the marginal gain per soldier. Desegregating the military on this very day in 1948 probably had costs that some saw as unjustifiable but the cost of justice and equality

That black gunk that accumulates in that one spot in the corner of the the shower tile that you just can't get rid of no matter how hard you scrub?

Ya, a financial disclosure statement that is available upon request.

Hmm, slime mold?