
That fucking orange monster run out on a rail would be soooooooooooo satisfying.

I thought it was the Land of Chocolate.

He's still upset about the Rancor being killed by Luke.

I've heard it articulated as exactly that reason.


Aw damn, was going to include you by name and blew it. I've enjoyed your posts over the years.

Been meaning to do this prior to the Kinjapocolypse as every indication is that I won't post in that system (refuse to use any outside authentication) and sounds like it sucks anyways, but just want to say thanks to folks for years of fun discussion. Going to miss many posters here like beema, Mrs. Landon Alger,

The Charger drove a quarter mile at high speed into the crowd. He hit a car that was propelled into another car pinning people between those two cars. Charger then backed out a high rate of speed.

Say what you will….

Some cases of West Nile or Zika thrown in would be nice too.

Goober is becoming one of my favorite appellations.

Ya, but they were really shitty pseudo-charities like PETA and Sea Sheppard for the most part.

One of those people is the current President.

I'm glad it's Fridayafter 4:30, so I can drown this out with hefty amounts of alcohol.

Up yours, Jobu!

I always thought they were spoofing the Babel Fish from the HGTTG game, but maybe that is too obscure.

This is the correct answer.

Add in Last Exit to Springfield and you got a real stew goin.

Candy conga-line is the best conga-line.

Really amazing direction. Who knew some journeyman dude working in TV for fifteen years and doing a bunch of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia could pull off battle scenes like that. Holy shit.