
How about "like the brain-damaged, syphilitic, orangutan that he is"

It's even more cynical than that. There is a budget proposal jammed up in the House because of a spat over budgeting for transitions for soldiers in the DoD budget. It's holding up funding for Trump's stupid wall. So like the fucking toddler that he is, he just goes "Ok, no Trans people in the military period!"

And has potassium benzoate.

Uhhhhh, ok?

Not really, but its a tired argument.

They did from 2002 to 2006 and they only managed to tank the world economy.

Well that's embarrassing. I'll pretend I was trying to capture Ridley's drawl.

We all think your impression is A-O-K. But what you are doing with it is B-A-D.

Yup. Watch it every damn time I even catch a glimpse of it on the ol' tv.

Please god, don't let them fuck this up.

Nah, Heather Locklear.

Who knew Shelly had some TJ Hooker chops?

Gordon's "Well he's dead" got the biggest laugh out of me so far this season.

Put Ryan Reynolds and Morena Baccarin in this and it is great. The two leads just can't pull it off.

I thought it was just Pedro….Guerrero…. that was doing all the coke.

He also just jammed his thumb out. It's easy to pretend to get a glove to not fit you. Turning over a key piece of evidence to the defendant in front of the jury was one of the dumbest moves in a courtroom I have ever seen.

The only proper time to drink Rumple Minze is in the parking lot before a Whitesnake concert in 1987.

Gohmert is truly just dumb as a brick. It's amazing.

They will need to hire some Caldonia's to do some highly erotic temple dances in praise of Eros.

Edit: Misread. Never mind.