
Not just on tracks, a good bit of distance onto a BRIDGE.

Consistently and thoroughly?


Agreed. Ok, so (devil's advocate) someone is somewhat "too interested" in being the first comment in a thread about a show. Being MAD about that is definitely a million times worse. Objectively.

You know what assuming does?

Be fewer and farther.

Ya, will likely never get the right fuel/air mixture to pop off.

I loved that, plus the golden shovel in the display.

Fuck off.

Bedpans don't have lids. You are thinking of chamber pots.

Ender's Game of Thrones

KM is 58. I am Jack's lack of a six-pack.

Ok Lynch, you lost me for a couple of episodes but you brought me right back with this one.

You know what Tormand has that he didn't though?

Way to body shame me GoT by derisively talking about my "drinker's liver."

Giant wights, not white walkers..

Or Avengers where JW told the DP to basically shoot any scene she was in straight up her ass crack.

Isn't that more of a tanto or wakizashi than a "knife?"

He might be nobody.

She is the daughter of Mike Huckabee who is a piece of garbage GOP politician first, minister and grifter second. One of his other adult kids likes to torture dogs. Real great "Christian" clan there.