
Ironically I liked the floor sweeping scene much more than a lot of the scenes in this episode that bugged me.

That could be it I guess. After the first several episodes the whole enterprise is just leaving me cold at this point save a scene here or there. I was obsessed with this show in the original run, so your anticipation/reality dichotomy may be spot on.

That's fair and I don't begrudge anyone else liking it. It just isn't working for me right now and I am a Lynch fan. I thought the first five episodes were great and have since been losing a lot of the pleasure in watching this show for whatever reason.

Ugh. I feel like I am becoming the resident and cliche prior-fan-turned-curmudgeon about this show (nothing worse than an anti-convert, I feel like one of those ex-smokers who berates smokers), but god damn this episode was tedious as hell. So many extended takes and awkward bullshit to no good effect. I honestly feel

I'm shocked to hear a billion dollar corporation may have good lawyers and knew how to terminate a contract they literally have thousands of every year.

Oh shit, I just got sued by James Woods.

Hey he's no James Woods.

Because Poland has weirdly been trending towards a weird right/fascistic government in the form of the "Law and Justice Party" that has eschewed the EU, attacked the free press and democratic institutions, and moved towards Russia. I don't get it either, but everything in the world seems to be fucked up and wrong

The bird symbolizes obviousness!

Ya, someone made one of the Stunner but with the Justice Department logo replacing Austin's head in response to the original one that started all this nonsense.

You did see "attempted" in that sentence you just posted right?

Less "go to court" and more "endless discovery" and/or "negotiations."

And you can also make a really, really bad choice, i.e. Brian Herbert.

Can I go now?

But I blockquoted it for the lazy. Like me.

This actually happened today.

What about twirling, twirling?

At the Copa seeing Henny Youngman. Salut!

It took them 2 hours just to get the smile off his face.

It's a legit request. I will admit my reaction memorialized here for all eternity was probably a bit knee-jerk and hyperbolic, but I really just had a viscerally bad response to this episode. The reason I've mentioned my long time fandom of Lynch was not to puff myself up or claim any sort of expertise, just that