
Read the reaction to the two or three negative posts about this ep in response to this review.

I with you although you are more articulate about it than I was. Get ready for the pitchfork brigade.

My view could change upon rewatch but I had a very visceral dislike of this episode.

Oh come on. That whole sequence in the mushroom cloud was basically lifted from 2001. Let's not be fatuous Jeffrey.

That Is just not true. He liked Eraserhead and used its vibe in The Shining but he only ever put out one top 10 of his favorite films and he did it 14 years before Eraserhead came out.

Also, I'm self-aware enough to think that maybe I'm the outlier that isn't "getting it" but I've been a long, LONG time fan of Lynch. Been watching his stuff since before a good many of the posters here were even born (I'm an old bastard). This just struck me absolutely wrong and actually kinda made me mad. I'll let

Heh, "leaned" is pretty generous.

Its just, like, my opinion man. I also think on reflection and rewatch opinions may change.

I'm mad that the unicorn decided to vomit out putrescent bile from his horn that was both trite and banal.

Definitely the latter for me. Everyone is gushing over this crap and I just don't get it. I'm not a knee-jerk Lynch hater either. I'm a huge fan of his stuff and this just seemed like him flailing around and borrowing from better filmmakers.

Ok. Fuck you Lynch. And shame on you Emily by being taken it by such nonsense.

Just tubed it. Sounded like the Conchords doing it in some dark bar in Christchurch wearing cardboard and duct tape helmets with some strobes and three people and Murray looking on.

Just spooled that up on the tube. That is some trippy business.

Verhoeven is such a mad genius.

The perfect song for Infantry and Fleet to brawl to.

Oh, another one, One Night in Bangkok by Murray Head. Bennie and Bjorn can sure write a hook.

In that vein, I wonder if Liz Phair's Supernova fits into this category. Good god that video did things to me.

Oh, and I was a big Ridgeway fan too. "Camouflage" is another fave from the era.

Heh. I had that cassette in my car until 1989 when it wore out and gummed up my tape deck. I got mad and threw it out of the window on a random street. 25 years later I bought the house in the exact spot I threw it out. Life is weird.

Mentioned that a few minutes before you did. That album is actually pretty solid for the era and type of music.