
Ya, handing Chuck a "here's 3 million dollars to go fuck yourself" check was pretty baller.

Nacho is referenced in season 2 of BB so he is still around until at least then.

As a lawyer, Kim's deadpan "Ya, I'm helping a medium sized local bank become a medium sized regional bank" is one of the more true to life legal moments of any show ever.

*Throws Zod through window*

The split screen on every drive with a computer trajectory on one half was annoying as hell too.

When all you have is a hammer…

I really, really want Wednesday's suit. That shit was tight.

Could put too much of a load on the device creating an overheat. Not likely, but seems plausible to me based on dealing with cooling issues for computer CPUs/GPUs.

Damn was Katsulas amazing.

You'll notice the chyron saying that dissolves all the words by "story" which hangs for a second on its own which gives it away to some extent.

Man, I've seen that movie many, many times and am familiar with that particular Yiddish word, yet I never put that together with that particular line to get the joke until I saw it typed out. So….thanks.

Can be either.

She breaks out the Scottish brogue a bit in A Knight's Tale.

But he' was born in Brooklyn!

That guy has the name and face of a Harry Potter villain.

Because he started to see the pattern.

Your second paragraph is a really good point and perfectly encapsulates the way that whole sequence was structured in a way that I hadn't thought about until you laid it out.

That's actually how many people react at a scene like that. I think he was also highlighting carl's reaction and connection.

No mention of the return of the stop light?

No. I think they are Las Vegas cops.