
Looked like he was connecting the names of the claimants, the agent (Tom Sizemore), and the detectives ( they were burglary claims from what I could see). Seems like he uncovered an extensive insurance scam.

I repeat, Buckwheat has been shot. Buckwheat has been shot.

They said you was hung.

Lord Palmerston!

"represents the troubling neoliberal throughline between George W. Bush and Barack Obama"

Bah, my pun was already taken below.

It is more than "sleazy." Its illegal "self-dealing" to funnel charitable donations made to a 501(c)(3) to yourself or a related for-profit party.

Best performance I've ever seen on a stage was his Richard III.

Not only that, but part of the process of getting into the sub-group was to post that shit in the main group, so it wasn't just a private hur-dur funny lark among friends, they were trolling the entire incoming class with this stuff.

Ya, but the Air Force folks said this was like the 16th time his prints have hit and they were wondering if this time it was "real." No idea what that means but the Briggs print issue isn't clear cut.

Pretty much all vodka tastes like Smirnoff.

Uh, that isn't remotely what is happening here.

Yes, from systematic discrimination and to remedy historical prejudice, neither of which are within the same universe as this silliness.

He's not wrong, he's just an asshole.

Yes, because one or two showings out of the literally 10,000s of thousand per week is equivalent to the systematic exclusion of a race from public accommodations across multiple states for decades.

I would hope so.

Nah, check his history. He crawled out of the Breitbart swamp and almost got up on two legs!

(Keanu Reeves)

Its the federal government, those requirements are likely in a universally applicable policy manual that took 8 years and 4 committees to decide what color the cover page was going to be.

Ya, was just about to post that in here. This new one is just a gussied up version of Bailey's legendary blast.