
I'm talking about all your posts in this thread doofus.

Oh bullshit. This whole thread is you doing that. I made the point that what they did didn't spring from nowhere, it has a history.

Yes, stripping away health care from millions to give millionaires tax breaks is totally equivalent. Please maintain your righteous "both sides" fury.


They weren't "celebrating". That was payback for the GOP singing that after passage of the Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993.

Don't be dissing my favorite rubberized mechanically separated chicken-product puck!

He is a half-brain dead Hollywood grifter, not a physicist. Ray Wise's great discussion of being both divorced and not-divorced at the same time was closer to a good encapsulation of quantum physics than anything else.

That was fantastic. I don't get people kvetching about narrative or momentum or whatever other hokum. That was a damn fine hour of entertainment and basically a short story, with another short story buried in it, both told exceptionally well. What more do you want from an hour of TV?

Also looked very much like the motel where Llewellyn gets killed in No Country For Old Men.

Paint my fence!

Can I go now?

It helps lubricate the 3 hour-under-the-heat-lamp filet down the esophagus.

Think smaller, and more legs.

Any true devotee of the fast food fish sandwich knows that, before even starting on the thing, you crack the top bun and redistribute the sauce evenly and dump some of the lettuce. Amateur.

I think they are going to turn it around on Chuck to show how it was a set-up from the beginning. This is magically the only electronic thing the guy uses (hence the pictures), hides the original, etc. etc. I also think the address Mike took was of his ex-wife and they will bring her into the hearing to make Chuck

Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos.

She digs his chi and his bridge acumen.

The one with the cleft asshole?

Probably more for Ernie helping Jimmyu cover up the Mesa Verde caper. Chuck is patient with his retribution.

I get my juice the old fashion way, squeeze the fruit against my forehead.