
It was caused in large part by the truncated 1st season. I don't want them to cut them down, just the opposite. Wish retroactively they could have done all of LW in a 13 episode season and then do all of CW in season 2.

That ship was under thrust the entire time.

It's a bit frustrating that they are taking solid source material with complete arc and having the seasons end basically in the middle of each of those arcs because it does create that feeling of the finales being not quite finales.

She was counting/calculating to see if it was even feasible to get it out of the housing before he made it out the door, not do some Wile E. Coyote type timing.

The side glance Phillip gives her in the phone booth made me laugh.

Ya, he threw a bunch of bullshit at Ernie as he is just a runner to faux intimidate him knowing full well he was going to tell Jimmy. It was to make the information seem more "critical".

That culvert shot looked like it was tilt-shifted.

I think Gus figured out the tracker that was dropped off the night before was a switch (serial number or something) and the next day was just a total dry run to suss out that Mike was surveilling them and then give it to Victor to set up the phone call. Gus is the only person on the show most careful and meticulous

I did when the Jeep first pulled into that lot and mentioned it to my wife. She said I am scary.

The only thing Victor took was the tracker that had been delivered the previous day when Mike didn't have anyone in the building to see the drop off.

Plus he monologued his entire crime. Never monologue Jimmy.

I loved Alex's "oh shit not again" reaction.

I literally yelled "Giggity" at that last shot. This show is so good, and I'm really liking that they are pushing the basic cable profanity envelope as it fits these characters.

No, she got all hostile because it reminded her of Young Hee which is why she went to check on them only to find they had moved. She sublimates her feelings more than Phillip but she still has them.

Those old players had mechanical buttons. You just have it mashed down, the player on and with no power nothing happens. Second power comes on with the new batteries it starts up.

100 percent plausible with that type of tape player. The whole thing was a set-up and it seems like Donna didn't pick up on it at all and thought Chuck's reaction was real. His little grin and flip of the tongs completely gave away that it was all an act.

Anyone else's Dish DVR not record this because it was designated as "Episode 1" and therefore not a new ep?

It has, and don't call me Shirley.

Georgetown doesn't have fraternities or a Greek system at all. The Jesuits don't like them.

I'm glad they are having the real Avarasala show up. F-bombs and pealed paint for everyone!