
Ouch, that was a Cibola Buuuuuurn.

I got Madonna's big dick coming out of my left ear, and Toby theā€¦ I don't know what - comin' out of my right.

Was a sample, not a cure.

Very well done and it really should have been the end of a 16 episode first season (maybe it was at some point and budget split it up like it is now). Time to get some Caliban on!

Heh. This guy is a piece of work.

An entire discussion of the ending mirror battle without mentioning Enter the Dragon? Fail.

I thought his conversation with the kids was one of the better parts of it. He is desperate to have someone connect with him about his feelings and was able to have a conversation with them on their level of understanding.

Dude, Ogden is 38 miles (45 minutes away on the freeway) from Salt Lake City. And SLC is quite a bit different from the rest of Utah in many, many ways.

Ya, Ogden is not "Salt Lake City".

Dude, Salt Lake City is mostly a flat out grid system of 100 S. 100 N. that is easily one of the easiest on the planet to navigate. Those kind of names are only in the smaller towns.

Man, they're really sticking it to that Krugman guy again. He must work there or something.

I'll delete. I goofed the tag and then fixed it so might have seen it in the interim. Sorry.

I spoiler tagged it so it should be hidden unless you mouse over it.


What are you, a Park Ranger now, Sentient Beard?

No, he switched the crimes too.

That's the only part that really bugs me. I'm of the "if you like it, drink it" camp but wish they would be more transparent.


They are great mixes and I actually have met those guys, but they source from that Indiana distillery (owned by MGP now I believe). They don't make any bones about it.

Should maybe mention how almost all of this stuff (including most of the "craft" rye out there these days) is made by one giant mega-distiller in Indiana and then put into different bottles.