
I am going to eat all my Twinkies with chopsticks from now on.

Woah. Edgy hot take.

That was misreported and those were actually Kershner's notes. Her writing was great, but that wasn't an example of it.

Maybe "suddenly" is a better descriptor.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass!

If i had as much coke as she was on during that I could forget about this whole business in the same way.

Fuck you Death. Just….fuck you.

Doctor dies suspiciously. Son makes comment that he "just saw him last week." That info had been kept from her. She knows her husband.

I always wondered if the bassist is actively tuning down his string during the breakdown. It just seems like it is too low of an E, and you can hear it drift down, to really be a correctly tuned bass.

Wow that trumpet thingy is really something. That video looks like it was made in 1986.

He is killing it. 90 percent of his acting in this episode was his eyeballs. I hope he gets some awards attention.

It needs to be a trilogy of just the first book IMO. Drop some of the more ooga booga elements of the guild and bene geserit breeding program and make it more of a traditional hero's journey with that stuff maybe mentioned in the background or briefly glossed over with it just being the search for the KH as a

Good thing a bunch of nerds have crowdfunded Chris Roberts to the purported sum of $140 million to make another "game." I'm sure it will turn out great.

A classic "review" that basically just catalogs what happens in the episode. Dude, we watched it, we know what happens.

I'd go for a dickbutt just for the epic reveal. I'd have to learn it specifically for the occasion but I figure I could manage to draw it in 30 seconds.

No, the moon turned into a Klieg light when Ford walked into the frame.

Hello? Open for business. Who are you to resist it, huh?

Best movie I've seen this year is Hell or High Water. Most fun I've had in a movie is Deadpool.

:paws awkwardly at woman's hair:

As usual, see a cool person for a RR. Open up and immediately look at the writing credit. See its a Will joint and go "Aw, yeah! This is going to be great."