
Heather Thomas (although Locklear guested on two eps). That bikini shot in the credits is burned into my 13 year old brain although Markie Post's rare foray into the bikini (Season 3's "Inside, Outside" I believe) is also quite prominent.

I don't like the timeline theory, but now believe it 100%. You also have the hosts that William tore up being the old-timey gears and struts ones based upon the limbs laying around.

Cho 'nuff!

I don't think he gives a damn about the data or the company, so trickling out some stuff a few breadcrumbs at a time is no big deal. He holds onto the bulk of it because it is leverage. The plot only became a threat to him when they wanted to remove him from his position.

Yes, it was the refrain that played a ton in the first episode as the train pulled it. Was sort of a "reset" music.

Block is your friend.

Oh shit. You nailed it. I am cackling in manic disbelief at how fucked we are.

I'm listening to ABBA to try to chill me out.

I agree he will have no mental capacity for the actual day-to-day of governance, so it will depend on what goofs he puts into position within the cabinet. An unqualified Secretary can do spectacular damage to an agency. I fear it will be a cavalcade of dunces that will put Bush's bunch of dipshits to shame.

Nah, he was a goof manipulated by shadowy advisers and supported by brain-dead bros.

It's Bob Roberts. Go watch it.

I was hoping this was an election more like when Bart ran against Martin for class president in Lisa's Substitute, but I think you are right. Trump is the garbage commissioner in more ways than one.

Hopefully. My wish is that his election is seen as a moral stain on the history of the country on the order of Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson, Fort Sumter, Wallace, and Nixon.

You speak with some wisdom, but I can't get over the fact that the history books will actually have to have President Fucking Donald Trump in them, especially after such a transformative figure as Obama.

Evans is good people. We really dropped the ball on this one guys.

Wooo. Sweet puppet-mastering you got there. Bye-bye.

Like I said. Get fucked. Your surface-level gobshittery is worthless.

Oh go get fucked you pseudo-intellectual shitbird.

I think this sums it up:

There is a decent sized population who rely upon the medicaid expansion that will be revoked that will, in fact, not live.