
Won't be fun for them either. They just don't know it yet.

Clearly the darkest timeline.

I'm an old, rich white guy, so about as "unhip" as it gets. Guess I'll get a nice fat tax cut, but that likely won't offset the losses I am going to take as the markets crater.

Good thing the avatar of greed and avarice who is outright owned by multinational banks won!

I think it might be the RIGHT time to not-quit sniffing glue.

Hey, at least my blocked user list expanded by 900% tonight.

I got nothin'.

Dollar is taking a beating so jokes on you!

He's not official until the Electoral College meets in a month or so. You can cross your fingers that faithless Electors will save us all!

I feel ya. If you need to, call a crisis line or even your local 911. Or fuck it, keep posting in this thread and I'll talk to you.

If it is any consolation Hillary is going to win the popular vote, so the US is not completely idiotic, we just have an unfortunately distributed level of idiocy.

Buying into the crash will probably work out well long term.

Might be sweet relief.

I'm sure the scofflaw billionaire will do right by you.

If you have much in the markets, be prepared to be 5-10% poorer tomorrow.

(slow claps for America)


Alcohol is the answer. Lots and lots of alcohol.

Yup. I copped (no pun) to that mistake 1 minute before your post.

You are correct. My bad. That was the back-door (no pun) into their programming that she was asking him to use. I was probably thinking about the "necro" guy that Not-Ellen Page confronted last week.