
Hah! Even the same posture. Like Mr. Plinkett says, "you didn't notice it, but your brain did." So great.

I haven't followed all the production ins-and-outs, but I don't get this obsession with the shut-down (not you in particular, but I see it discussed a lot). . Most seem to view it as some doom and gloom situation when it could easily have been an "oh wow we really have something here" realization based upon network

No projection, was definitely there. While out of focus, was exact outfit.

He was charging people to fuck shut-down hosts. She blackmailed him with knowing about it.


The way the composer interwove Beethoven, Xmas classics, and action music cues is unbelievable.

His whole speech about Greenmail and White Knight is so late 80s and reminds me of the book Barbarians At the Gate every time as it clued me into all that corporate merger stuff back in that era. He is using the exact lingo there that 99 percent of moviegoers will completely miss which makes it so, so perfect.

Ya, but it has Senator Fred Thompson, Andy Sepowitz, and naked tai chi, so it has that going for it.

As a bureaucrat myself, his worried "Maybe I should call the Mayor" before the higher level bureaucrats cut the power really rings true for me and makes me laugh every time.

And there are at least ten legitimate full on character arcs that happen throughout the film. It's a master class in story telling.

The lighting is just fantastic. Like they are looking upon holy light emanating from glory be.

It will be his best case of false advertising since his suit against The Never-ending Story.

Ya, they swapped Delores's dad from one day to the next.

Old Bill is his name BTW.

Ford connected Teddy to Wyatt the last episode. Wyatt could easily have been running on a different narrative previous to that.

If by "established" you mean a "random internet theory completely debunked by the actual scenes in the show" then…..yes?

You didn't kill Teddy. You bastards!

I doubt it. He is just a really, really rich dude (hence the line about his "foundation") who is bored and wants some real stakes.

He said she should "bring him a key in the breakfast," so that is basically what he did do.

Miranda ripped me off. I did Rappin' John Adams for a history project in 1988.