
He does get to have the hero kill-shot against the oncoming limo that then blows up the main bad guy. That was pretty badass.

I read this comment in the voice of Rodney Dangerfield.

That is guest-on-host violence though, which could take precedence. Host-on-host violence could be relegated to a means that serves the narrative.

Unless that was part of the narrative. Bullet rules seem to serve the narrative, not have absolute physics.


Or his narrative is that he gets chopped down so his bullets weren't effective.


Teddy being the show's version of Kenny is one of the funnier bits.

I just think the discussion of how the pain of his son's death is what is left of him has triggered a desire to undercut the constant "resets" of hosts' memories. He is deep, deep in his grief and thinks it is a disservice to wipe their memories while Ford thinks it is a gift so they don't relive the horrors they

Or you wear body armor/padding to shrug it off.

Look at how much of the entertainment industry currently caters to the fantastical wishes of males. This doesn't seem much different.

Palin did.

It was kinda a big plot line that it was a repeating EMP every two seconds. Sorta underpinned the entire back half of the episode.

If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?

10 year old, dude. 10 year old.

Ah, the best of all Mutinies.

He already has. Used an apocryphal story about Pershing in the Philippines dipping their bullets in pigs blood. Says we should go back to doing that as it will scare off the Muslims.

I read somewhere that they are keenly aware of the "Lost" phenomenon (JJ having first hand experience) and mapped out the entire plot to something like 5 seasons. Who knows if it is true.


We are two episodes in. They might tackle that later.