
I don't think the music is necessarily "anachronistic." I elaborated about that above.

I had a (probably unoriginal) thought about the music. We see it as "contemporary hits" *wink* *wink* but this show is likely far into the future. Those really are old timey songs by that point. I couldn't tell the era of a song or if it is being played correctly for a song from 1915 versus 1840 so maybe by this

Didn't want to get in pussy-grabbing range.

Fresh fish! Fresh fish!

He doesn't care. There is apparently hours of tape of him on live mics on The Apprentice saying horrible shit, up to and including the N-bomb. It's all sealed up by Mark Burnett though, who is his pal, so likely won't see the light of day.

He's a troll or a completely deluded nitwit. I'd suggest not responding to him.

Hundreds of millions.

A single question from the moderator on the topic would have been nice.

That was the golden age of spandex catsuits. Erin Grey is still my tops but those two in that movie are up there.

Barbeau won it by a nip.

I'll be crushed if all my bon mots about the Gathering of the Juggalos get deleted!

Chaffetz scurried under a rock too.

I generally engage in some witty banter while I hold my junk up to the hand dryer.

Or he has trouble with verb/object usage.

It's also just a perfect encapsulation of just the type of arrogant, entitled asshole he is in just five words. It's like a neutron star of his derp, highly concentrated.

It's almost a confirmation that this event is so horrific that the gun fondlers reflexively retreat to a stance of "It's fake!" rather than confront the fact that this is the reality in which we exist. If they were sanguine about the reality it would indicate that we are collectively truly lost. We should pity their

The cry of "2nd Amendment! Derp!" is just an appeal to authority. As a society we have altered the constitution when it is abundantly clear that it doesn't make a bit of sense. It is only will that prevents a change. Nothing more.

The fact that this nation didn't have a serious, sober reckoning about how fucked up things have become with respect to both mental health and access to firearms after this (23 dead children for fucks sake) just shows how far over the edge we are committed to basically not giving a damn about dead kids. Australia had

She knows who she is. She's the dude disguised as a dude, writing as another dude!

Oh, and this also leaves out his shorthanded potential plot for a more interesting Episode VII is pretty damn cool and would have been a more interesting film.