
Well, at least in my mind, and a few others I reckon, a review, in the context of film, is generally whether you like it or not and whether it is a good film. An analysis is a deeper dive on structure and also brings in outer context. May just be me though.

One of the Prequel Apologia that Mike shows fairly predominantly on the screen as he is tearing them apart is one from the AV Club from last year.

This isn't a review. They did a review on Half in the Bag when it came out. This is an analysis of the movie and the general state of Star Wars as a franchise.

How dare she try to steal a kill from Dalton and his throat- ripping claw of death!

That's pretty close to all his books/films.

Kinda need horse/cow poop to keep up the simulation. It isn't garbage they are hanging around.

She said she couldn't kill a living thing which is central to their programming. If you let them kill a fly then it all starts to unravel, which is why it is so cool she has self-programmed/evolved to do and also to lie about it.

It's great. I reread it every five years or so and consider it my favorite book. The latter ones are also at least interesting (and in my opinion also great, but they tick a lot of my sci-fi boxes, so I know they aren't for everyone).

"He starts his mission into Vietnam hanging off the side of a helicopter"

If I didn't have puke breath, I'd kiss you.

Is she doing her taxes topless?

I use "I could crush your head like a nut!" on a regular basis.

Was randomly watching The Aviator on the tv tube last night and was kinda thrown when he showed up in a serious role with an old timey mustache.

I'm old, so I don't use those new fangled internet-based movie-watching-gadgets. I get 4 rods of popcorn to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it.

Disappointed they didn't seem to even try to elevate or give it a twist, but Mag 7 seems to be garnering at least middling reviews as a standard action pic. Seems like it is a serviceable dead-time flick that won't waste my 8 bucks, so I'll see it on Sunday most likely.

Solid list. Named my kid after Sir Alec.

That characterization of the Clinton Foundation is horseshit (really, relying on someone who moderated a function to judge what they are doing based on its "vibe"?). It gives millions and millions of dollars to fight AIDS, prevent malaria, and help girls in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia.

Ya, I think he is actually contrasting rather than suggesting causality.

Except it wasn't Kool-aid. It was Flavor-aid.

Woooooooo. Wooooooooo.