
Circus Atari 2600. 3-person team. Two on the teeter-totter, one remote controlling its location. Spikes on the head, ceiling of balloons. Television gold.

The delivery guy is Nas's dad forced to work that job because he can't get the cab back. He left from shame.

Googly moogly the reviews for this show are pretentious. Lighten up Francis.

He said he isn't buying a boat, so it's all good.

I read that scene a bit differently. He is establishing himself as someone not to be fucked around with. He isn't doing it to be a dick and showing his true colors, but to basically mark his territory and establish himself in the hierarchy of the cell block.

My understanding is that it is more than just a changed story, it was a statement in a deposition under oath. Admitting perjury puts you in a pretty significant disadvantage in any subsequent proceeding (not opining on the veracity of either statement, just the sequence and circumstances).

Two things. 1) Camera face time. It's a high profile case with national media attention. She gets to be in front of the camera and pontificate, raising her profile. She is introduced doing a press conference on her civil case, she like the limelight. 2) The deal she struck was actually really good. You had two

Hey now, some of us are cool.

Nah, she's a big fan and tweeted out a picture of her with the cast about a month ago.

The interesting aspect on the lawyer front is that both Stone and Crowe have the exact same motivation: publicity. They both think the case is a ticket to exposure, just from different ends of the legal spectrum. Neither one gives a rat's ass about whether he did it or not or his best interests. Crowe can just afford

Technically speaking, he very much is. Go watch the recitation of charges in his arraignment/bail hearing. He was charged with aggravated sexual assault and it was mentioned several times in the news conference/coverage.

No reason to ask as it was pretty damn obvious what the cost was.

No one touched him. There was just a zoom in with ominous music.

Go watch Do The Right Thing.

Bob. Bob had bitch-tits.

I mean, come on. The whole soliloquy about how silky veal was kinda made that rather explicit.

Ya, it was actually being called by its mother. I recognize that half-meow, half-purr noise that was coming from off-camera. That is why it jumped up there and then found the other side the only way down that wasn't a huge drop.

"Trumpy you can do stupid things!" needs to be the key meme of this election somehow.

Kinda surprised it was only 2 refs. He is right in Tom's wheelhouse.

Like the time Pinky Tuscedero crashed her motorcycle. Or the night I lost all my money to those card sharps, and my dad Tom Bosley had to get it back.