
Go watch the recent 30 for 30 on it. It's pretty obvious and the jurors basically admit it.

That's not how ineffective assistance of counsel works. Plus, that "once admissible evidence" has been disavowed by the state's own cell phone expert in the trial because he was never shown the cover sheet that was the key to today's ruling.

The state asserted they did, but the files were a mess. Also there were two versions of the fax with some stuff cut off, etc. It definitely WAS NOT on the exhibit that the state showed to its own expert and was admitted into the record in court. That's one of the reasons that expert submitted an affidavit in the

Wrongful convictions/pleas are actually pretty rampant and the system is inherently flawed on multiple levels. Lots of those "thousands" will tell you the same thing. I do civil stuff but am in the orbit of criminal lawyers (on both sides) enough to know that it is a mess.

Undisclosed is of course biased (they never pretended otherwise),but they did a pretty solid job of destroying nearly every aspect of the State's case.

Yes, the State was actually in a bind. It was either not produced, therefore a Brady violation=new trial. Or it was produced and his lawyer was so incompetent that she failed to use this very obvious impeachment evidence on the expert (who by the way now says HE didn't see that either and wouldn't have testified as he

There is actually evidence the police knew where is was prior to Jay showing it to them per some Baltimore County police documents. There is all sorts of sketchy stuff with the handover from County to City cops.

"Non shop clause" means Laurie can't use the bid to seek higher bidders. It was basically a secret bid.

Just noticed on rewatch Qyburn had a Hand pin on him. Combo Maester/Hand/Mad Doctor. Nice.

Imdb says he is next directing an episode of Altered Carbon (pilot maybe?) which is a cool book I'm surprised it has taken this long to make into a TV series.

Marriage to Sansa was never consummated.

For free too!

She has reached Cartman levels of evil.

His name was Robert Paulsen.

Does Dany have her horsey army with her or did she just take the express airborne route?

So where is the cognoscenti ranking Ehrlich's bong this week in the panoply?

Even if it did create that valuation (it doesn't) she wouldn't care, she knows the value is when it goes public so hoovering up equity is all she cares about.

She did save his life way back when so they are probably even now.

I'll take a rapier wielded by someone who knows how to use it against a knife any day.