
Maybe not now that Paige has to force herself to be with them all the time. It seems like it is a huge slog for her at this point. She'd probably be willing to pull the trigger herself.

He even called Martha "Marta" at one point while speaking with his agents (don't recall him doing it before directly to her) which is a great bit of subtle linguistics for a native speaker of Russian. Either great writing, directing, or acting (or combo).

I think Vera Cherny is super hot even with them dressing her in those god awful 80s clothes.

Phil/Liz seem to be the first generation of "illegals" so I doubt Claudia and Gabriel had any sort of history like them. They both seem cut from the cloth of being in the military in WWII and then transitioning into the NKVD/KGB.

Peter Fucking Dinklage. He was acting against NOTHING and was amazing.


That's some good detective work there, Lou.

Agreed. Bioweaponry info is being tightly controlled by Tatiana. I don't even think Arkady knows everything about it and Oleg certainly doesn't. She is running her own op and I think it will have consequences for Martha.

They located the first phone using the tap on the parent's house. Took them time to get there. By then she had moved a ways away outside their perimeter and made the second call from a second payphone that they had no tap on either end. In her call to Clark she was at the Valley Trail Head, which is a ways away from

He has FBI spidey senses. It's not specific memories, just gut feelings.

Well they are genetically Russian after all.

The key was that they were declared void. Hooli wasn't breaching them so much as taking advantage of the fact that they basically no longer existed in legal terms. Since they were probably adhesion contracts drafted by Hooli, taking that stance was pretty aggressive and they would be likely to get sued, but figured

Ha, thx for the link. Seems like I noticed all the changes other than Alp and the obvious ones. Does that make me OCD?

A large Alibaba Group building (in Chinese and English) right next to Oracle and in front of hooli. Don't remember that being there before.

He doesn't even exercise.

Sure, throw your vote away!

Kinda lame they had Theon talk up what the "dogs" would do to them then they turned out to be bloodhounds. What are they going to do Reek, drool on you?

Widower, its a gendered noun you know.

I'd…. ah fuck it, not today.

38 Studios basically bought that game when it acquired BHG rather than actually develop it.