
It is a hefty topic.

Needs those first few chords to Sunshine of Your Love to really sell the shot though.

Deakins is criminally overlooked even in compilations. Although I guess Shawshank got in there.

Was hoping NM was a two-party consent state so Chuck would put himself right int he wringer, but turns out it is one-party (which someone like Chuck would undoubtedly know).

I also think the house was white and not as much of a run down shack.

Probably a bit of both. He was firing the lighter round and it probably wouldn't have gone through him with enough force. Only reason to have that extended discussion with Beaver about grain count.

If this show is going the "birth of punk" route I will only be happy if they incorporate the old 9:30 Club, in addition to CBGB, since I basically lived there for 4 years.

Correction: "Convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza's…"

That was great acting by Lev Gorn. You could tell Arkady was feeling a huge mix of emotions of disbelief, being upset at her dying, pissed off at her for wasting opportunities that he had secured for her, and guilty for the part he played in all of it. Really, really good stuff there.

Watch that bonk on the head cure him of his psychosomatic illness and now Jimmy has made him an out-and-out enemy at his full power.

Heh, right there with you. Just counting down the weeks until GoT and Silicon Valley are back.

Yup. Final Sacrifice.

Season 2 is an amazing arc and really well executed. After that it just goes to shit.

Are they McMahon or McMice?

Having studied the Russian language many moons ago but forgotten all of it, the exact translation is probably something like "the execution will happen to you soon". It's all crazy-ass passive voice in that language.

His spidey-sense is tingling with them, and we've seen he is next level on sniffing out that sort of thing.

Yes. Remember that Stan made another visit to her apartment when she was there, which is why Phillip doesn't go there any more. It's definitely been scrubbed.

Not necessarily. He could have wanted to do it and either 1) wasn't able to pull it off, or 2) the execution happened before he could. Bureaucracy (which the USSR was the ultimate expression of) has weird spasms of fast action amidst complete slogs of inaction, often about the same thing. It's entirely possible he was

I don't think it was a crane all the way through as a crane would have a hard time taking that corner within the garage. Someone above says Tom Schnauz indicated that it was a steadicam with a transition from a crane to another vehicle.

Ya, that was fudged a little. Even a moderately small bank isn't going to hire a 4 year associate just opening up a shingle when they have one of the most established firms in the state.